Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Trying to get from Here to There

Hey Everyone, I am exhausted so this will probably not be as funny or as long as normal. You don't have to read about my woes I jus want to remember them for some torturous reason. Yesterday morning Helen walked me and my backpack full of chocolate to the train station at hat felt like the crack of dawn. This was the first that I did not have to change trains or risk half my train being left behind in order to get to my destination. I was on a direct fast train to Berlin. Yeah, Berlin is about six hours away so my day was mostly spent sleeping and reading. Upon arrival to Berlin I not only managed to get off at the right stop (there are three that say "Berlin something", I also managed to find the baggage office and lock my bag up. The purpose of this was so that I could do a little sightseeing. I had a pretty strong desire to go to the Jewish Museum so I went to the tourism office and talk to not a very nice man who directed me to the buses. Ladies and gents, I am now such a pro qt traveling in Europe that I could find my bus and get off at the right spot without ever having been there before. I am now an expert at reading maps. I alsO was then able to walk myself through a sketchy part of town to find myself qt my desired destination. The Jewish Museum is amazing and only 5 euros so completely recommend it. Apparently my plane is boarding I will finish later. Ciao!!

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