Thursday, May 3, 2012

Nap time, Germany's Next Top Model, General Laziness

Hello again!

Today was a day of complete and utter laziness.  These days not only happen in the States but also in Austria, and I've got to say, when they happen here it feels like vacation!  Today was an easygoing day of watching shows such as Germany's Next Top Model which is run by Heidi Klum.  Flo (who apparently has watched a lot of GNTM), stated that unlike in America, the models in Germany actually become famous if they win.  Also, they don't have to put up with Tyra Banks and neither do the viewers.  Basically, everyone is winning!

Sarah and I also attempted to go to the post office twice.  Apparently when you see a building called Gastrof Post that is not a post office but rather a restaurant.  We went to two towns in search of anyone in possession of a stamp and a mailbox and completely bombed at finding anything remotely helpful.  So those of you waiting on postcards...keep on waiting.  I've also been told that I am looking at about 30 dollars in postage, so if you do receive a postcard perhaps you would consider giving to the Skylar is Feeling Poor Foundation.  It's a worthy cause, and all donations will benefit me so you don't have to wonder where your money is going.  Heck, it might even help pay for the postcards I want to get from Southeast Asia next year!

I ate way too much food today.  I didn't think it was possible, especially based on my incessant hunger during the first half of this trip, but now I wish I had a second stomach to handle this situation.  Once I start I cannot stop.  Plus, it didn't help that Flo's dad fed me my second lunch of the day.  He is very sweet and does not speak a lick of English, or really hear anything because he is 75 and losing his hearing.  So my cries of "I'm stuffed" fell on deaf ears...literally.  Hahahaha!

We also played with Katzel (cat) a lot.  Katzel is the new kitten on the block, threatening to take Lulu's place in my heart because she is younger and cuter (basically I become a lecherous old cradle robber when it comes to kittens).  Sarah is now pretty sure that Katzel is a he and not a she though and that does knock him down a few cuteness points. 

Sarah and I really worked hard at unsuccessfully finding a post office and eating our ways through life so that of course meant we could reward ourselves with nap time.  Sarah tried to suffocate Katzel in her sleep, but I managed to rescue him from Sarah's towering bum :).

I know this does not sound like all that exciting of a day, but seriously, sometimes turning into a vegetable is the best day a girl on vacation could ask for.

Tomorrow I go up to the glacier with Sarah and Flo, hopefully send my postcards, and head to Germany to visit Helen!!!!  I am crossing my fingers that I make it to the right country and it is probably best if you do as well because we all know how well my last train trip went.

And because I cannot leave you without random factoids:

1.  Apparently everyone here owns one of those fancy espresso machines with the million buttons and the million dollar price tag.  I am officially addicted to coffee because it tastes so much better here!!
2.  The German word for squirrel is aufkatzel which I think means "of the cat".  I also could be completely making that up.  But based on the stuffed squirrel in the hallway (Austrians like to kill things and hang them on the wall), squirrels here do have bizarrely tufted ears (which really has nothing to do with cats but I thought it was weird).
3.  There is an actual limit to the amount of chocolate and cookies one can eat in a day.  I now wish I had listened to Mother Hen Florian when he was telling Sarah and I that our stomachs would hurt.
4.  Nobody owns upright refrigerators because Europeans like to buy their food fresh.
5.  It's weird to shake hands, Austrians prefer to kiss on the cheek.
6.  They don't have Netflix here.
7.  There are castles on pretty much every mountain.
8.  Austrians hate Germans.  It's a rule.
9.  Beef is not eaten here, mostly pork and chicken.
10.  Don't ever try to be a vegetarian in Austria.
11.  Dragons are real.
12.  Number 12 is not true.
13.  Or is it?

Time for bed!


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