Friday, May 4, 2012

Made it to Ulm Despite the Train System, Drinks with Helenco!!!

Hi friends!

Gutentag from Ulm, Germany - my final destination before I leave!  Today has been a wonderful day.  When I woke up Sarah and I got to dink around doing laundry and trying to find the post office again.  We successfully found it thanks to Flo, but were unsuccessful at getting in the doors because the Europeans like to take hour long lunches.  I also went to a place that I would typically shy away from - the land of snow.  Florian needed to go up to the mountain and Sarah and I needed the car so we went up to the glacier with him.  We have talked about the dangers of driving in Europe, let me add some special rules fro when driving on a mountain:

1.  Make sure you are on the side the landslides are not happening on.  Apparently, during the spring that can be expected multiple times a week.
2.  A road as narrow as a goat path will still be driven on at about 80 miles per hour, despite cows and other cars.  Say your prayers.
3.  Marmots are not Mormons even though it sounds the same with Flo's thick Austrian accent.
4.  I am afraid of heights, cars and snow so when all three things combine together you can bet your bottom dollar that my heart is racing and behind my sunglasses my eyes are firmly shut.
5.  Even though there is only room for one car you will be passed if you are not going twice the suggested speed limit.
6.  Just don't get in European cars people, not unless you have a death wish.

The glacier was one of the most beautiful places I have ever been in my life.  I knew Austria was beautiful but it is completely different when it appears like you are at the top of the world.

After the glacier Sarah and I successfully mailed off our postcards.  It's about 23 euros to send 14 postcards so I hope you enjoy because my bank account is empty :).

Let's talk trains.  Never trust a train in Europe to get you where it says it is going.  When the lady on the speaker is talking for what seems like an exceptionally long time in German she is informing you that before you reach your destination only one half of the train will actually go where you want to go, and obviously it will not be the part of the train you are already on.  Luckily there is no fooling me now and those tricksy Germans did not manage to get me left behind in the wrong station.  I would like to note that it is absolutely impossible to sleep on the train because of the level of paranoia I have reached about my train getting switched on me!

Well, I made it to Ulm and Helen was even here to meet me!! I was greeted in the appropriate German way - with a beer at the train station and a "Prost" before wandering to Helen's house.  I got to eat some delicious food (again) and then we went out for a drink.  I hate the fact that smoking in bars is still legal here.  Flo actually told me it is not legal in some parts but everyone ignores the law because they don't want to lose the business.  Once again my clothes smell like smoke.

Anyway, we are home now and Helen is snoring so that should make sleeping in the bed with her quiet and peaceful, just like childhood :).  Tomorrow we are off to Stuggart (spelling?) for the annual Spring version of Octoberfest.  I am getting ready for liters of beer.

Love you all!!!

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