Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Never-Ending Train Day

Hey Peeps,

Today was not always fun.  It is way better now that I am settled into Chez de Sarah et Flo (that should probably be in German and not French), and I will get to that story after I finish whining.

So I know that I have mentioned before that public transportation has been rough because of my terrible sense of direction and the language barrier, but that does not even compare to the level of confusion and frustration I reached today. 

I was pre-warned that my train ride would have some obstacles.  For example, I know that I would be taking a train from Prague to Linz and somewhere in there I would have to take a bus because part of the train tracks were broken?  And then from Linz I would take a train to Landeck-Zams.  Well, it went a little more like this:

1.  Get on train and find a whole free car to myself.
2.  Leave said car because I was sitting in the reserved section.
3.  Find another car to sit in for three hours.
4.  Get off the train and onto the bus with the help of the only English speaking person on the train.
5.  Ride on the bus for an hour.
6.  Get onto another train by asking people the word "Linz" because NO ONE spoke English.
7.  Ride that train for an hour.
7.5 Change trains again.  Why? Because we can.
8.  Arrive at Linz and change trains.  Don't use the restroom because it costs money.
9.  Ride the train to Innsbruck Germany.
10. Frantically run off the train when I realize that my half of the train is staying in Innsbruck and only the front half of the train is going on to Landeck-Zams.
11.  Find a seat for a half an hour.
12.  Get off train to be greeted by Flo and Sarah.

In case you weren't counting that would be 5 trains and 1 bus to get from Prague to Landeck-Zams.  I was on a train from 11:16am to 8:40pm.

Enough complaining!  After all, I am in Europe!!!!  Sarah and Flo picked me up and I cannot believe I am actually here!  Sarah cooked a delicious dinner: pumpkin soup (did you know that pumpkin is a big thing here?) and noodles with tomato pesto.  So good!  Plus I just got to catch up with Sarah after way too long (I didn't not realize I would have to leave the country to track down this girl)!!!

I have an amazing room with a shower and a sink right in my bedroom.  The mountains are literally in the backyard, there are chickens and ducks, the list just goes on.  Plus, it is nice to not have to worry about my stuff for once and just throw my passport about willy nilly!!!

Tomorrow we are going to Innsbruck, then Tuesday we might go to Italy or on a quest for some castles.  I have not asked Sarah yet but I may stay here for awhile longer and just go on adventures with her instead of going on a solo trip to Italy.  I don't know if I could stand another day of trains like today for only one day in Italy.  Also, everyone I have spoken to says to stay away from Venice because the food is no good, it's too crowded, and too expensive.

Random things I have noticed: none of the doors open the direction you expect them to, it is tiring to never hear your own language, Czech candy is kind of weird (chocolate covered sunflower seeds?), the bread here is amazing (even bread from crummy delis), sleeping sitting up does not work.

Anyway, I am off to bed and vastly enjoying myself!!!

Auf Wiedersehen!!!!!!!!!!!!

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