Friday, April 27, 2012

Czech it Out!

Hello Again!!!

I have just enjoyed a delicious pizza.  A whole, delicious pizza, all to myself.  It basically changed my life, and by changed my life, I mean it prevented me from being overcome by a blind hangry rage and killing someone.

Just FYI, right now I don't have the ability to download my pictures but hopefully I will tomorrow.  Today was a little rough.  After my tour through Amsterdam my legs were aching, my stomach was growling, my head was in the grip of a bad headache.  Just too much travel, not enough movement and food.  Anyway, when I got out of the terminal I picked up my bag (which made it all in one piece!) and went to find the shuttle service.  I was willing to fork out some Czech crowns so that I could just get to my hostel.  Yeah, well they closed 5 minutes before I arrived.  So that was out.  A taxi was too much of an unknown on price so I decided to do the whole public transportation thing.  Not my smartest move.  But at the time I was deprived of everything including sanity so I bought my ticket and off I went to my bus. 

Well, I missed the first bus 119 by about two seconds.  That was alright though because another number 119 came around the corner right away.  Yeah, it wasn't number 119.  I was supposed to ride the bus until the end of the line.  Turns out the end of the line for this bus (whatever non-number 119 it was) was the next stop.  The bus driver was grumpy and told me to get off the bus (or I am pretty sure that is what he said and perhaps not as nicely).  I got off and it was obvious to me that my next ride, the Metro, was nowhere to be found.  Neither was another living soul.  It took me two grumpy bus drivers,a flight attendant, and an hour and a half of nearly tearing up in frustration before I found my way onto the right bus.

I have a lot of pride in what I managed to complete.  I took the number 119 bus to the last stop, found the Metro, rode the green Metro line for five stops, changed to the red line for one stop.  Walked out of the metro station and found the tram line, took the tram to the correct stop and walked to the correct hostel.  Not bad for pretty much everything being in Czech.

Anyway, upon arrival, not only did the girl at the front desk order me a pizza, but she also was just friendly and great and helped me plan my walking tour tomorrow (it's okay legs, you can do it).  I went up to my room and met my roommate and I just realized I never learned his name.  He is a pilot from Brazil and we may hang out some tomorrow.  Probably after I learn his name.  Anyway, I took a shower and it was fantastic.  Now I need to sleep and recuperate.

Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. You are ridiculous but I am glad you made it to your hostel! One of my biggest fears is getting lost in a city I don't know (or can't speak the native language) but you did it! congrats! I am still super jealous too :P <3 Kacy
