Friday, April 27, 2012

Just a Little Update on Amsterdam before Pizza

Hey Everyone,

I am finally in Prague.  More importantly, I have finally showered and brushed my teeth for the first time in about 30 hours!  This has been a huge amount of traveling for one person to do by themself. 

I arrived in Amsterdam and had to queue forever to go through customs (got my Netherlands stamp!), queue again to exchange my money, and queue again to get a metro ticket.  It took me two hours just to get out of the airport and into Amsterdam Centraal.  I would also like to note here that the Dutch are not very good at moving queues efficiently or explaining the metro system.  I have done a lot of trial and error traveling today.

However, Amsterdam itself is BEAUTIFUL!!  All the gorgeous canals, narrow streets crowded with bicyclists attempting to run cars, scooters and pedestrians over, and beautiful tulips.  Amsterdam also has quite a lot of shops that only sell marijuana, haha.  Anyway, I wandered for quite awhile, mostly intending to go through the Red Light District for kicks and instead finding myself at the Anne Frank House.  Really, those are two completely different experiences.

Anyway, I met a woman named Julie who went to the museum with me.  Julie is a Floridian, a pilot, and a loud, noisy, pushy American.  I was a little embarassed to be with her but she did get us through the line faster than I ever would have.  We also met a lovely foursome from England whom I got to exchange London stories with.

The tour through the Anne Frank House took a long time and did not actually show very much, but I did get to go through the secret door and see pages of her diary.  I then decided to return back to the airport because I was feeling dizzy and gross.  Mostly due to an intense level of HANGRY-NESS (hungry anger).  I found a pancake shop and ate a ham and cheese crepe the size of my plate which was fantastic!

I went back to the airport and just wanted to sleep.  It was 6am my time, and I had been up straight since 6am the day before.  However, Amsterdam has some of the most uncomfortable chairs I have ever experienced and sleep just did not happen.

I will share my traveling fiasco in Prague probably later tonight, but I have a pizza to eat!!!

Love you all!

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