Monday, April 30, 2012

Innsbruck with Sarah!!!

Just a little info on Sarah for those of you who don't know her: Sarah is my "wild" friend who has chosen to move to Austria with her lover Flo because she could not bear to be without him or the Austrian Alps.  Therefore I am staying in their sweet digs which happens to be within easy driving distance of Italy and Switzerland.  I will be adding those to my destinations for this trip!!!

Sarah and I rode the train to Innsbruck today and she was impressed with my Eurail competency (thank you two days of practice).  We made it into the town and proceeded to walk almost as much as I did in Prague (not really, in Prague I walked for 11 hours, in Innsbruck I only walked for 8 hours).  We made it to the mountain "home" (more like castle/mansion) of the Kaiser.  The Kaiser's Kaiserin Maria-Theresa was a prolific woman and had about 16 children.  Three of them did not make it past 4 years of age and in the portrait room there is a sad painting of the three of them floating up to Heaven.  Maria-Theresa also believed that if your child died you should name your next child by that name until it stuck on a child who did live to a reasonable age.  Thus: Maria-Karoline, Maria-Karoline and Maria-Karoline (who lived to be about 50).  Oh, and Maria-Theresa named all thirteen of her girls Maria-Something.  Maria-Theresa's husband died at the early age of 43 during the wedding of his oldest son and Maria-Theresa mourned him in black until her own death decades later.  Apparently their wedding was one of the few love matches in the Austrian dynasty.  Anyway, that is enough history for now.

Sarah and I ate tons of delicious food!!!  The pretzel bread here is amazing and they stuff it with cream cheese and chives.  Gelato is great until you accidentally lick your scoop off the cone and onto the ground only three licks in.  Sad day.  We also had amazing Italian food.  My American-ness was showing since my complete lack of European geography did not make me aware of the fact that we were only minutes from the Italian border thus delicious Italian food is sometimes easier to find that traditional Austrian food.  I tried proscuitto and marscapone pizza for the first time and almost died from the tastiness.  That paired with fresh bruschetta and tortellini ragu made for my best meal so far (although I still stand by the fact that Czech hotdogs are amazing and I am craving one right now).

I have decided to stay with Sarah for a while longer and up on the agenda is a castle trip, Italian pizza in Italy, maybe Switzerland, and snowboarding.  I talked with Sarah about how much cooler I will be as a person if I can say I have gone snowboarding in the Austrian Alps.  In reality I will be spending most of my time falling on my bum, but it sounds exciting!!  And for my critics out there, I know that I hate snow, but I am in a foreign land where I am pretending that public transportation, not speaking the language, and snow does not terrify me.

Miss you all!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Never-Ending Train Day

Hey Peeps,

Today was not always fun.  It is way better now that I am settled into Chez de Sarah et Flo (that should probably be in German and not French), and I will get to that story after I finish whining.

So I know that I have mentioned before that public transportation has been rough because of my terrible sense of direction and the language barrier, but that does not even compare to the level of confusion and frustration I reached today. 

I was pre-warned that my train ride would have some obstacles.  For example, I know that I would be taking a train from Prague to Linz and somewhere in there I would have to take a bus because part of the train tracks were broken?  And then from Linz I would take a train to Landeck-Zams.  Well, it went a little more like this:

1.  Get on train and find a whole free car to myself.
2.  Leave said car because I was sitting in the reserved section.
3.  Find another car to sit in for three hours.
4.  Get off the train and onto the bus with the help of the only English speaking person on the train.
5.  Ride on the bus for an hour.
6.  Get onto another train by asking people the word "Linz" because NO ONE spoke English.
7.  Ride that train for an hour.
7.5 Change trains again.  Why? Because we can.
8.  Arrive at Linz and change trains.  Don't use the restroom because it costs money.
9.  Ride the train to Innsbruck Germany.
10. Frantically run off the train when I realize that my half of the train is staying in Innsbruck and only the front half of the train is going on to Landeck-Zams.
11.  Find a seat for a half an hour.
12.  Get off train to be greeted by Flo and Sarah.

In case you weren't counting that would be 5 trains and 1 bus to get from Prague to Landeck-Zams.  I was on a train from 11:16am to 8:40pm.

Enough complaining!  After all, I am in Europe!!!!  Sarah and Flo picked me up and I cannot believe I am actually here!  Sarah cooked a delicious dinner: pumpkin soup (did you know that pumpkin is a big thing here?) and noodles with tomato pesto.  So good!  Plus I just got to catch up with Sarah after way too long (I didn't not realize I would have to leave the country to track down this girl)!!!

I have an amazing room with a shower and a sink right in my bedroom.  The mountains are literally in the backyard, there are chickens and ducks, the list just goes on.  Plus, it is nice to not have to worry about my stuff for once and just throw my passport about willy nilly!!!

Tomorrow we are going to Innsbruck, then Tuesday we might go to Italy or on a quest for some castles.  I have not asked Sarah yet but I may stay here for awhile longer and just go on adventures with her instead of going on a solo trip to Italy.  I don't know if I could stand another day of trains like today for only one day in Italy.  Also, everyone I have spoken to says to stay away from Venice because the food is no good, it's too crowded, and too expensive.

Random things I have noticed: none of the doors open the direction you expect them to, it is tiring to never hear your own language, Czech candy is kind of weird (chocolate covered sunflower seeds?), the bread here is amazing (even bread from crummy delis), sleeping sitting up does not work.

Anyway, I am off to bed and vastly enjoying myself!!!

Auf Wiedersehen!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Prague Walk

For those of you who would like to see an approximation of how much/where I walked to you can check it out here:,+U+star%C3%A9ho+h%C5%99bitova,+Prague+1,+Czech+Republic+to:Prague+Castle,+Prague-Prague+1,+Czech+Republic+to:Pet%C5%99%C3%ADn,+Prague-Prague+1,+Czech+Republic+to:Ricni+to:Charles+Bridges+to:mustek&hl=en&ie=UTF8&sll=50.08591,14.414025&sspn=0.019743,0.045447&geocode=FUw3_AId4hjcAA%3BFQwn_AIdmi7cAA%3BFU45_AId8BXcACk9Q6NG7JQLRzFnF4OlQk7k7w%3BFThE_AId-ArcACFq9qa3a1MaLg%3BFUtP_AId6fzbACEJsAqkFgp1pA%3BFYJR_AIdFbbbACGfJRKviDzPKg%3BFTo4_AIdkLfbACHpr3rsn2j2Rg%3BFU0w_AIdO9HbAClJ6JNb-5QLRzFvQNqsYDU88w%3BFVdC_AIdP-bbACFHBBS1grVcOg%3BFU45_AId8BXcACk9Q6NG7JQLRzFnF4OlQk7k7w&dirflg=w&mra=ls&t=m&z=15

Sorry for the ridiculously long URL but that was the best I could do.

As you can see from my map I walked about 6 miles.  I am pretty sure I walked closer to 7 miles though because this map does not include the trip from my hostel or the 17 times I got lost.  That seems to be the theme of this trip.  I have started to conclude that my sense of direction is completely wrong because every time I get on a bus, tram or the metro I end up going the wrong way.  Even if I have been on that same bus, tram or metro earlier in the day.  I am pretty worried because tomorrow I am supposed to be going to Austria to visit Sarah.  I am pretty sure I might end up in Poland.  And these trains don't run every 15 minutes like the rest.

So, things I have learned today:

1.  The post office is closed on Saturday and no one sells stamps but the post office so don't bother asking (this means all of you I have addresses for will be getting your Prague postcard sent from Austria but I wrote them today).

2.  Do not cross the road when there is no "Green Man".  When he is red he is trying to tell you that crossing will indeed cause you to have a near death experience via tram.  Yeah, myheart rate shot through the roof.

3.  Eleven hours of hiking through a city is about 4 hours too much.  You don't need to walk more than you work in one day.

4.  It's about a million stairs to the Prague Castle and about another thousand up to Petrin Tower.  It is not necessary to do those climbs during the hottest part of the day (about 85F).  It is also not necessary to walk to the castle and the tower in one day.  My feet saw "owwwwwwww".

5.  Czech hotdogs are life changing.  Nothing like in the U.S.  They are crispy on the outside and hot and juicy on the inside.  So good, best breakfast of my life!

6.  Czech people for the most part do not speak English and they are pretty grumpy.  At least everyone I have met today and yesterday who was Czech and not a tourist has been quite irritable.  These are quite the sweeping generalizations but that has been my experience thus far.

7.  It is weird to not hear your own language for almost an entire day.  Your ears almost get tired of not understanding anything that anyone is saying.

8. Sunscreen is a lifesaver.

9.  Watch where you are walking - cobblestone can be life threatening.

10.  Relax about getting lost, you are just always in a state of "lost", another word for that is "sightseeing".

Anyway, today was an exceptionally long day but so much fun.  I saw what feels like all of Prague.  I ate goulash for the first time, drank Czech beer.  Saw the sun for the whole day!!  I met an American couple at the place I went for dinner and got some travel advice.  Food here is amazing!!!

Also, the Occupy movement is here.  They were protesting in the Square and near the castle.  It has spread all over the world now!

I am off to grab a beer with my roommate who just said "We should get a beer together since we are sleeping together".  That translation did not work.


Friday, April 27, 2012

Czech it Out!

Hello Again!!!

I have just enjoyed a delicious pizza.  A whole, delicious pizza, all to myself.  It basically changed my life, and by changed my life, I mean it prevented me from being overcome by a blind hangry rage and killing someone.

Just FYI, right now I don't have the ability to download my pictures but hopefully I will tomorrow.  Today was a little rough.  After my tour through Amsterdam my legs were aching, my stomach was growling, my head was in the grip of a bad headache.  Just too much travel, not enough movement and food.  Anyway, when I got out of the terminal I picked up my bag (which made it all in one piece!) and went to find the shuttle service.  I was willing to fork out some Czech crowns so that I could just get to my hostel.  Yeah, well they closed 5 minutes before I arrived.  So that was out.  A taxi was too much of an unknown on price so I decided to do the whole public transportation thing.  Not my smartest move.  But at the time I was deprived of everything including sanity so I bought my ticket and off I went to my bus. 

Well, I missed the first bus 119 by about two seconds.  That was alright though because another number 119 came around the corner right away.  Yeah, it wasn't number 119.  I was supposed to ride the bus until the end of the line.  Turns out the end of the line for this bus (whatever non-number 119 it was) was the next stop.  The bus driver was grumpy and told me to get off the bus (or I am pretty sure that is what he said and perhaps not as nicely).  I got off and it was obvious to me that my next ride, the Metro, was nowhere to be found.  Neither was another living soul.  It took me two grumpy bus drivers,a flight attendant, and an hour and a half of nearly tearing up in frustration before I found my way onto the right bus.

I have a lot of pride in what I managed to complete.  I took the number 119 bus to the last stop, found the Metro, rode the green Metro line for five stops, changed to the red line for one stop.  Walked out of the metro station and found the tram line, took the tram to the correct stop and walked to the correct hostel.  Not bad for pretty much everything being in Czech.

Anyway, upon arrival, not only did the girl at the front desk order me a pizza, but she also was just friendly and great and helped me plan my walking tour tomorrow (it's okay legs, you can do it).  I went up to my room and met my roommate and I just realized I never learned his name.  He is a pilot from Brazil and we may hang out some tomorrow.  Probably after I learn his name.  Anyway, I took a shower and it was fantastic.  Now I need to sleep and recuperate.

Love you all!

Just a Little Update on Amsterdam before Pizza

Hey Everyone,

I am finally in Prague.  More importantly, I have finally showered and brushed my teeth for the first time in about 30 hours!  This has been a huge amount of traveling for one person to do by themself. 

I arrived in Amsterdam and had to queue forever to go through customs (got my Netherlands stamp!), queue again to exchange my money, and queue again to get a metro ticket.  It took me two hours just to get out of the airport and into Amsterdam Centraal.  I would also like to note here that the Dutch are not very good at moving queues efficiently or explaining the metro system.  I have done a lot of trial and error traveling today.

However, Amsterdam itself is BEAUTIFUL!!  All the gorgeous canals, narrow streets crowded with bicyclists attempting to run cars, scooters and pedestrians over, and beautiful tulips.  Amsterdam also has quite a lot of shops that only sell marijuana, haha.  Anyway, I wandered for quite awhile, mostly intending to go through the Red Light District for kicks and instead finding myself at the Anne Frank House.  Really, those are two completely different experiences.

Anyway, I met a woman named Julie who went to the museum with me.  Julie is a Floridian, a pilot, and a loud, noisy, pushy American.  I was a little embarassed to be with her but she did get us through the line faster than I ever would have.  We also met a lovely foursome from England whom I got to exchange London stories with.

The tour through the Anne Frank House took a long time and did not actually show very much, but I did get to go through the secret door and see pages of her diary.  I then decided to return back to the airport because I was feeling dizzy and gross.  Mostly due to an intense level of HANGRY-NESS (hungry anger).  I found a pancake shop and ate a ham and cheese crepe the size of my plate which was fantastic!

I went back to the airport and just wanted to sleep.  It was 6am my time, and I had been up straight since 6am the day before.  However, Amsterdam has some of the most uncomfortable chairs I have ever experienced and sleep just did not happen.

I will share my traveling fiasco in Prague probably later tonight, but I have a pizza to eat!!!

Love you all!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

At Home

Okay everybody, this is the last frantic thing I am going to do before I set off onto an unknown adventure.  Don't feel pressured to read every day, I am mostly making sure my mom knows I am still alive :) There is something about handing your mother an itinerary that just has the names of various countries and approximate, tenative, possible dates on it that just doesn't make her seem all that happy.  So, Mom, this is for you!

It has been quite the mad dash to this trip.  I bought my ticket just days before that lovely tree decided to crush my car in half.  The timing of the smashing and subsequent bestowal of a pretty decent return for the crushed Quaddler leads me to believe that God, the Universe, or some mischievous poltergeist thought to his or herself "Hey, Skylar needs a vacation!"

So vacation it is!  I will be backpacking through Europe thanks to the lovely Katie Shine, who shared her fantastic backpack that has already traveled once through the world.  I feel there is a lot of luck in this bag because the Shine-ster and I met last year on another random trip - that time to Greece.   Katie traveled all over the world and when we met on a boat in Greece we just happened to find out that we were neighbors in Portland.

Anyway, other random news: this morning not only did I go to yoga, finish homework for school, start a blog, and finishing packing, but I also bought a car!!!  Thanks to Bryan and his lovely mom Judy I should have a Toyota Corolla when I return!

Just so everyone is on the same page, I will be flying into Amsterdam Friday morning, hopping out of the airport for a little bit, then flying to Prague.  I have a hostel to stay in for two nights and then I need to figure out where and when I am going after that.  Cross your fingers friends and family!  I will post pictures and let everyone know where I am at as soon as I do.
